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Hier triffst Du auf leidenschaftliche Diskussionen, teilst Gedanken und entdeckst Neues. Beteilige Dich, denn deine Meinung macht den Unterschied.
Special learning - not importing
„That have you you so thought! Das hast du dir so gedacht! Give not so on. Gib nicht so an., How goes it you? Wie geht es dir? Heaven, ass and“
I,m never lonely because.
„I’m never lonely because. I have four Men in my life. I get up with Charly Horse. Spend the day with Artur-it is I dine with Will Power And go to“
Our contradictions.
„● Our contradictions. We are in such a hurry to grow up, and then we long for our lost childhood. We make ourselves ill earning money, and“
Learn from your mistakes
„“If milk is wasted, it becomes yogurt. Yogurt is more valuable than milk. If it gets any worse, it becomes cheese. Cheese is more valuable than“
„Hope everyone had a nice weekend:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: “
Easy English 7.11.2024
„Kartenvorverkauf- advance ticket sale, Komponist-composer, Orchester-orchestra, Dirigent-conducter, Musiker-musician, Konzert-concert,“
Finnish or Estonian?
„Goodmorning, folks how is life treating you? Are you getting by? Any idea of what language this is? Paljon kauniita maisemia tänään! Minä menen“
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