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The train of life.

Von Stricky Samstag 19.10.2024, 07:49

Life is like traveling by train.
You get on and off often, and some stays have pleasant surprises and happy moments, but also accidents and sadness.
When we are born and get on the train, we meet people who we believe well be with us throughout the journey, our parents.
Unfortunately the truth is different.
They eventually get out and leave us without their love and affection, without their friendship and company.
However, other people who become very important to us get on the train. They are our siblings, unstable friends and the people we meet and learn to love.
Some people who board view the journey as a short walk.
Other find only sadness as they journey through life. And there are others on the train who are always there and ready to help those who need help.
Some leave behind an everlasting longing when they get out.
Some plunge us into deep distress. Some people get in and out and we hardly noticed them.
It amazes us that some of the passengers we love the most more to another carriage and leave us to make the journey alone in this section.
Of course, we don`t let that stop us from making the effort to look for them and fight our way to her wagon.
Unfortunately, we can`t sit down with them because the seat next to them is already taken.
That`s life. Full of challenges, dreams, fantasies, hopes and farewells, but no return. Let`s make the journey through life as best we can.
Let`s try to get along well with everyone an the train and see the best in each of them.
Let us remember, that in each section of the route on of the companions may falter and may need our understanding.
We too will falter and there will be someone who understands us.
The biggest mystery of the trip is that we don`t know when we will finally get off, nor when our fellow travelers will get off, not even those sitting next to us.
Let`s make sure we have a good journey and that the effort was worth it in the end.

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