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funny english.Two gentleman were talking in London

Von Stricky 13.10.2024, 03:24

Hallo Sir, how goes it you?
Oh good. Thank you for the afterquestion.
Oh, you already long here? Can you tell me how I come to the maintrainstation?
There I am overasked. I am first a pair days in London.
Thunderweather, that oversurprises me yet. You see out like a Londoner.
Really? Thank you. That happies me very. But now what other. My hairs stood to mountain as I the traffic saw. So much cars gives it here.
This is right. At first I thought London is not the yellow from the egg. But than have I seen that the people very friendly are.
Really. But some of them saw so unfriendly out. I thought with them is not good cherry eating.
They are really wonderfull people. You can steal horses with them.
I think I spider. I realy was my whole life long on the woodway. I had fear they would make themselfes funny over me because I am from Germany and so.
Na so was?j Sie sind Deutscher?
Ja! Sie auch?
Allerdings! Bei Ihrem hervorragendem Englisch wäre ich nie darauf gekommen.

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