COPE Manifesto
Das Manifesto von COPE (Congress of the People) stellt einen wichtigen Meilenstein in der politischen Geschichte Suedafrikas dar und wir wollen ihn euch deshalb im originalen Wortlaut vorstellen.
Wenn es gewuenscht wird koennen wir auch eine Zusammenfassung in Deutsch in absehbarer Zeit einstellen – um euch aber zeitnah zu berichten hier das Dokument und viel Spass beim lesen.
Port Elizabeth, 25 January 2009: The Congress of the People unveiled its manifesto for a New Agenda for Change and for Hope at a packed rally of about 50 000 people in Port Elizabeth. The people attending the rally came from within Port Elizabeth and the surrounding areas and not a single person was bussed from outside the Eastern Cape.
The cost of the rally was minimal as it should be for resources are needed to improve people’s lives. The rally was very youthful and highly spirited. Despite provocation of our members and the usual ripping of COPE posters off telephone poles, the rally was a disciplined and enjoyable affair.
Sadly, two COPE members were in a fatal car accident while travelling to the rally. COPE passes its sincere condolences to the families and friends of these two comrades.
COPE also thanks the people of Port Elizabeth, the SAPS and other emergency services for their cooperation in making this event a success. Such professionalism is what should define the public service. COPE also notes the attempts by certain elements in the media to limit the air-time given to the rally but thanks the majority of the press and media who gave this historic event the attention it deserves.
The speeches and copies of the manifesto are available on request.
For more information please contact Sipho Ngwema on 0027 82 499 8111
Click here to download our full manifesto document
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